At Radiant Coast, we believe our responsibility as Christians does not end inside the four walls of the church. Rather, that's only the beginning! Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations, to baptize and to teach them the Word of God. Whether that's globally or locally, we believe every Christian is called to actively participate in the Great Commission!
Local Ministries
Hospitality In the Name of Christ provides safe emergency shelter for homeless men in the winter months.
The Lakeshore Food Club is the result of collective efforts by individuals and organizations pushing for positive change to build a stronger, healthier community.
Jericho House is a Christian-based home/shelter for women who have become homeless through a variety of difficult life circumstances. Jericho House can have up to 10 women living there at one time.
West Shore Family Support’s mission is to see that every baby has clean diapers, every mom is supported, and every parent feels equipped.
The vision of Hands Extended Loving People (HELP) is one of committed Christians coming together in a spirit of unity sharing their gifts, talents and resources, to bring comfort and aid to those in need of help and hope.
Worldwide Support
World Mission delivers the Word of God in audio format to oral learners living in unreached people groups.
Christ for India is a ministry is the initiator of many transformational Christian dispositions in the nation of India.
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world.
CMC International is a coalition of followers of Christ from numerous church affiliations with a Kingdom-of-God mindset working together, supporting the pastor’s network efforts to plant reproducing churches in communities that do not have a church, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Trumpet of Salvation to Israel’s desire is that the nation of Israel will recognize their true Messiah, Yeshua, and return to their God.